A little bit about myself: My name is Dale Bolena and I am the owner of DB Appraisal Services, Inc. I began my career in the real estate appraisal profession in 2002 by attending the Alabama Appraisal Academy in Birmingham, AL. After completion of the prerequisite appraisal courses I successfully passed my trainee appraiser license exam. I was then hired by a local appraisal firm in March 2003 to begin my two year internship as a trainee appraiser. After my internship period was completed I successfully passed my certification exam in July 2005. After working with my mentor for 5 years I decided that I was equipped to start my own appraisal company, which I did on January 1st 2008. Since my company start date I have continued to pursue knowledge and experience through Appraisal Institute education offerings. With the ever changing challenges that our industry faces I believe that continued education and new technology are paramount to the success of not only my appraisal firm, but the appraisal profession as a whole.

I live in Helena, Alabama with my wife Phyllis, step son Kurt, and kitty cat named Aubie. We have a beautiful granddaughter which we love to spoil rotten! Our family enjoys riding dirt bikes, family outings to Lay Lake, which include fishing, swimming, skiing, jumping off cliffs, you name it! My wife and I also love being involved with the ministries of our local church.